[SQ] LC 696. Count Binary Substrings

Iris S
2 min readJul 26, 2021



  • Familiar sliding window pattern with outer for loop and inner while loop
  • The usage of queue
  • use current, prev & min() to keep track of previous values


  • to count the number of binary substring within a string
  • definition of a binary substring: 10 , 01, 0011

Strategy 1

  • Outer loop used for removing the unbalance (extra) number, inner loop used for counting the number of pairs
  • use a queue to store the previous characters
  • why not using a stack? because we would like to identify nested substrings; in our case: ‘01’ is nested inside of ‘0011’, hence we would compare the head of the queue to the current character i
  • q[-1] is the head of the queue (element inserted earlier)
  • q[0] is the tail of the queue
  • q.pop() is the deque action
  • i==q[-1] → q=[0,1] , i = 1
  • i!=q[-1] → q=[0,1], i = 0

Code 1

class Solution:
def countBinarySubstrings(self, s: str) -> int:
q = deque()
for i in s:
while q and i==q[-1] and i!=q[0]:
if q and i!=q[-1]:

return res

Strategy 2

  • keep track of the consecutive appearance of the same character
  • once a different character is reached, use min() to find the substring: 00111 → prev =2, current = 3, min(2,3) = 2; since ‘0011’ is the binary substring of 00111

Code 2

class Solution:
def countBinarySubstrings(self, s: str) -> int:
res = 0
prev = 0
count =1

for i in range(1,len(s)):
if s[i] == s[i-1]:
count +=1
res+= min(count, prev)
count, prev = 1, count

return res+min(count, prev)

Time & Space

  • Time: in both strategies, we traverse the string once → O(N)
  • Space: in the queue approach, we are creating an extra array, but we pop() the elements out, eventually the queue is empty → O(1)



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