Scala Basics

Iris S
1 min readNov 6, 2022


Val vs. Var

  • vals are immutable; cannot be re-assgin
  • compiler can infer types
  • vars can be re-assign


val x = 1 + 2 // EXPRESSION
  • instruction vs. expression
  • scala forces everything to be an Zexpression
val condition = true
val conditionValue =. if condition 5 else 3 // IF EXPRESSION

Called-by-Value VS. Called-by-Name

object CBNvsCBV extends App {def calledByValue(x: Long): Unit = {
println("by value: " + x) // timestamp
println("by value: " + x) // timestamp

def calledByName(x: => Long): Unit = {
println("by name: " + x) // timestamp1
println("by name: " + x) // timestamp2


def infinite(): Int = 1 + infinite()
def printFirst(x: Int, y: => Int) = println(x)

// printFirst(infinite(), 34) // stack overflow
printFirst(34, infinite())


By Value: evaluate System.nanoTime() first, and use the value throughout the execution

By Name: evaluate System.nanoTime() each time

  • lazy evaluation: if the parameter called by name is never used, it will never be evaluated

Useful When:

  • Lazy stream
  • Exception handling with the Try type



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