- eliminate number and every other numbers from an array
- 1st, 3rd, 5th and other odd number iteration — start from left to right
- 2nd, 4th .. even iteration — start from right to left
- in each iteration, double the steps (step*=2)
- in each odd iteration, add the steps to head — which our target index
- why not incrementing the even iterations — no such need as we double the steps already
- return the head (index of the target remaining number) as the final output
class Solution:
def lastRemaining(self, n: int) -> int:
left = True
remain = n
step = 1
head = 1
while remain >1:
if left or remain%2==1:
head += step
remain = remain//2
step = step*2
if left:
left = False
left = True
return head