[Greedy] LC 1029. Two City Scheduling
- A greedy approach which (almost) always require sorting
- Given an array of size 2n, develop the optimal selection strategy to select n people for group A, and another n people for group B
- Since this is a greedy approach, we can sort the given array by (a-b) in ascending order
- The sorted array should have elements that cost the least in group A at the beginning
- We are splitting into two groups, and each group has n element. Hence the first n elements better selected to A, and the other half n elements better goes to B
Time & Space Complexity
- Time: since we used a sorting algorithm → nlogn
- Space: O(1) since we only increment the res and not taking any extra space
class Solution:
def twoCitySchedCost(self, costs: List[List[int]]) -> int:
s = sorted(costs, key = lambda x: x[0] - x[1])
res = 0
increment = math.floor(len(costs)/2)
for i in range(increment):
res+= s[i][0]
res+= s[i+increment][1]
return s